A few days back Samsung announced its new Tizen-powered smartphone, the Z3 is now available for purchase in India. Those who are interested in picking one up can do so from online retailer Snapdeal, it’s priced at Rs. 8,399 ($140) and is available in black and gold colors, the silver color is not available right now. There’s a 10% cashback available to customers who use an American Express card, 5% cashback is also available on HDFC Bank debit cards, more information about the deal is available on the retailer’s website.
Samsung Z3 comes with a 5-inch Super AMOLED display, there’s a 1.3Ghz quad-core Spreadtrum processor under the hood with 1GB RAM, 8GB internal storage with microSD card support. There’s an 8-megapixel rear and 5-megapixel front camera, support for 14 regional languages, a 2,600mAh battery and dual-SIM capability. Samsung Z3 is powered by Tizen OS version 2.4.